E Diminished Guitar Chord Charts & Variations

Welcome to our tutorial on the E dim chord, a fascinating member of the Diminished Chords family. This chord, composed of the notes E, G, and Bb, is built with a unique combination of intervals - 1, b3, and b5. For those who are new to these terminologies, these intervals refer to the Root, Minor Third, and Diminished Fifth respectively.
Understanding the notation of chords and the intervals that compose them is crucial in mastering the E dim chord. A good grasp of fretboard intervals can also help you in deciphering the chord diagrams and fretboard patterns that we will be discussing in this tutorial.
The E dim chord, being a diminished chord, carries a dissonant and tense sound. This makes it a great tool for adding tension to your music, before resolving it with a major or minor chord.
Whether you are a seasoned guitarist or a beginner eager to explore beyond the basic chords, the E dim chord offers a unique sound that can add depth and complexity to your music. So, join us as we dive into the world of diminished chords with the E dim chord.
And remember, if you want to further expand your chord knowledge, check out our comprehensive tutorial on all types of guitar chords. Happy strumming!
Notes in the E dim chord:
How the Diminished chord is built:
Guitar Patterns for the Edim chord
Chord boxes are sorted from the easiest to the hardest. Learn how to read chord diagrams.
If you have difficulties with bar chord shapes, check the Bar Chords Tips tutorial.
You can also use this accessible chords page with written diagrams instruction.
Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

Position 4

Position 5

Position 6

Position 7

You can find more shapes in our all guitar chords online library. If you prefer a printable pdf, download
the Free Guitar Chords Chart Pdf
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C dim | D dim | E dim | F dim | G dim | A dim | B dim | C#dim | D#dim | F#dim | G#dim | A#dim | Abdim | Bbdim | Dbdim | Ebdim | Gbdim
How to create your own E dim chord fingerings
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below. Some shapes will sound good, some less, let your ears decide!