Chord Intervals Map
Chord Symbols and Interval Notation Explained

When approaching for the first time harmony and chords, often guitar players are overwhelmed by the strange symbols they found in chord charts .
Chord symbols, and especially those used in Jazz, at first are not easy to digest.
Chords are basically a set of intervals stacked one on the top of another .
And what's an interval? An interval is the distance between two notes.
Depending on the qualities of those intervals, we can have different kinds of chords, and then different chords formulas.
Showing the intervals composing a chord in table form is a great aid for understanding chord formulas and structure , and build the foundation for more advanced topics, such as chords substitution .
On this page, you find a useful chord intervals map that will help you understand what's behind chord notation.
To learn how chords are constructed on the fretboard, check also our chords building tutorial.
Another tool that might be helpful is my interactive chord analyzer.
Chord Symbols and Intervals
In the following charts, for each chord you find its symbol ( major, minor, 7, 9 etc ) and the intervals composing the chord ( 1,3,5,6, etc ).
The number between parenthesis are optional tones that you can use in the chord. Then you see a chart composed of colored boxes.
Each box corresponds to one of the semitones (half-steps) composing the octave, starting from the root. In case of extended chords (those with 9th, 11th or 13th) you'll find another box chart, that represents the upper octave.
Complete List of Chord Symbols and Structure
Major Chords
How the Major chord is built:
The intervals composing the Cmaj chord are Root, Major Third, and Perfect Fifth
The C Major chord is spelled in the following ways:
- C Major
- C Maj
- C M
- C Major Triad
- Cmaj
The C Major chord is made up of the notes C, E, and G
Intervals In the Major Sixth chord:
The C6 sixth chord is made up of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, and Major Sixth
Some books show this chord as:
- C Major Sixth
- C6
The notes of this chord are C, E, G, and A
Chord Intervals:
This chord is made up of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, and Major Ninth
The Cadd9 chord is known as:
- C Major Ninth Added
- C Maj9
- C Maj Add 9
- Cadd9
The notes of the Cadd9 chord are C, E, G, and D
Chord structure of the Major Seventh chord:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, and Major Seventh
The C Major Seventh chord is spelled in the following ways:
- C Major Seventh
- C Major 7
- Cmaj7
The notes of the Cmaj7 chord are C, E, G, and B
Tones of the Major Sixth Nine Added chord:
This chord is composed of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Sixth, and Major Ninth
Name variations for this chord:
- C Major Sixth Nine Added
- C 6 Add 9
- C6/9
The notes in this chord are C, E, G, A, and D
Chord Structure:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Sixth, and Sharp Eleventh
Name variations for the C6(#11) chord:
- C Major Sixth Sharp Eleventh Added
- C 6#11
- C 6+11
- C 6aug11
- C6(#11)
The notes in this chord are C, E, G, A, and F#
Intervals in the Major Ninth chord:
The intervals that compose the C Major Ninth chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Seventh, and Major Ninth
Some books show this chord as:
- C Major Ninth
- C Maj9
- C Major 9
- Cmaj9
This chord is made up of the notes C, E, G, B, and D
Tones of the Major Thirteen chord:
The intervals that compose the C Major Thirteen chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Seventh, Major Ninth, Major Eleventh, and Major Thirteen
The Cmaj13 chord is spelled in the following ways:
- C Major Thirteen
- C Maj13
- C Major 13
- Cmaj13
The notes in the Cmaj13 chord are C, E, G, B, D, F, and A
Minor Chords
How the Minor chord is built:
The Cm chord is made up of the Root, Minor Third, and Perfect Fifth
The Cm chord is known as:
- C Minor
- C Min
- C Minor Triad
- Cm
The C Minor chord is made up of the notes C, Eb, and G
Chord structure of the Minor Major Seventh chord:
The intervals in the C Minor Major Seventh chord are Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, and Major Seventh
The Cm(maj7) chord is spelled in the following ways:
- C Minor Major Seventh
- C Min Maj7
- Cm(maj7)
This chord is composed of the notes C, Eb, G, and B
Tones of the Minor Sixth chord:
This chord is composed of the Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, and Major Sixth
This chord is also spelled in the following ways:
- C Minor Sixth
- C Minor 6
- C Min 6
- Cm6
The Cm6 chord is composed of the notes C, Eb, G, and A
Intervals In the Minor Seventh chord:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, and Minor Seventh
Name variations for the C Minor Seventh chord:
- C Minor Seventh
- Cm7
The notes in the C Minor Seventh chord are C, Eb, G, and Bb
Chord Intervals:
The Cm(maj9) chord is composed of the Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Seventh, and Major Ninth
Name variations for the C Minor Major Ninth chord:
- C Minor Major Ninth
- C Min Maj 9
- Cm(maj9)
The notes of the C Minor Major Ninth chord are C, Eb, G, B, and D
How to create the Minor Sixth Ninth chord:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Sixth, and Major Ninth
The C Minor Sixth Ninth chord is spelled in the following ways:
- C Minor Sixth Ninth
- C Minor 6 Add 9
- C Minor 6 Added Ninemin 6 Add 9
- Cm6/9
This chord is made up of the notes C, Eb, G, A, and D
Intervals in the Minor Ninth chord:
The Cm9 chord is made up of the Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Major Ninth
Name variations for the Cm9 chord:
- C Minor Ninth
- C Min 9
- C Minor 9
- Cm9
The Cm9 chord is composed of the notes C, Eb, G, Bb, and D
How the Minor Eleventh chord is built:
The C Minor Eleventh chord is made up of the Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, and Major Eleventh
This chord is also spelled in the following ways:
- C Minor Eleventh
- C Min 11
- C Minor 11
- Cm11
The notes in the Cm11 chord are C, Eb, G, Bb, D, and F
Chord Structure:
The Cm13 chord is composed of the Root, Minor Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, Major Eleventh, and Major Thirteen
Different notations for the Cm13 chord:
- C Minor Thirteen
- C Min 13
- C Minor 13
- Cm13
The notes of the C Minor Thirteen chord are C, Eb, G, Bb, D, F, and A
Sixth Chords
Suspended/Power Chords
Intervals In the Powerchord chord:
The C5 chord is composed of the Root, and Perfect Fifth
The C Powerchord is known as:
- C Powerchord
- C5
The notes of the C Powerchord are C, and G
Tones of the Suspended Second chord:
The suspended 2 chord is made up of the Root, Major Second, and Perfect Fifth
The Csus2 chord is known as:
- C Suspended Second
- Csus2
This chord is composed of the notes C, D, and G
Intervals in the Suspended Fourth chord:
The intervals composing the Csus4 chord are Root, Perfect Fourth, and Perfect Fifth
Different notations for the C Suspended Fourth chord:
- C Suspended Fourth
- Csus4
The notes of this chord are C, F, and G
Tones of the Dominant Seventh Suspended Fourth chord:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Perfect Fourth, Perfect Fifth, and Minor Seventh
Different notations for the C7sus4 chord:
- C Dominant Seventh Suspended Fourth
- C Dom7sus4
- C 7 Suspended 5
- C7sus4
The notes in the C7sus4 chord are C, F, G, and Bb
Augmented Chords
Chord Structure:
This chord is composed of the Root, Major Third, and Augmented Fifth
The C Augmented Fifth chord is known as:
- C Augmented Fifth
- C Augmented Triad
- C +5
- C #5
- Caug
The notes in the C Augmented Fifth chord are C, E, and G#
Intervals In the Dominant Seventh Sharp Fifth chord:
The C Dominant Seventh Sharp Fifth chord is composed of the Root, Major Third, Augmented Fifth, and Minor Seventh
The C7(#5) chord is known as:
- C Dominant Seventh Sharp Fifth
- C Dom+5
- C 7#5
- C 7+5
- C 7aug5
- C7(#5)
The C7(#5) chord is made up of the notes C, E, G#, and Bb
Intervals in the Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh added chord:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Major Third, Augmented Fifth, and Sharp Eleventh
Different notations for the C Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh added chord:
- C Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh Added
- C Aug#11
- C #5#11
- C+(#11)
The C Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh added chord is composed of the notes C, E, G#, and F#
How to create the Major Seventh Sharp Fifth chord:
The intervals in the C Major Seventh Sharp Fifth chord are Root, Major Third, Augmented Fifth, and Major Seventh
You may find this chord denoted as:
- C Major Seventh Sharp Fifth
- C Maj7+5
- C Maj7#5
- Cmaj7(#5)
The notes in this chord are C, E, G#, and B
How the Dominant Ninth Sharp Fifth chord is built:
The intervals composing the C9(#5) chord are Root, Major Third, Augmented Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Major Ninth
Different notations for the C9(#5) chord:
- C Dominant Ninth Sharp Fifth
- C 9#5
- C 9aug5
- C 9+5
- C Dom9#5
- C9(#5)
This chord is composed of the notes C, E, G#, Bb, and D
Tones in the Dominant Thirteen Sharp Fifth chord:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Major Third, Augmented Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, Major Eleventh, and Major Thirteen
Name variations for the C13(#5) chord:
- C Dominant Thirteen Sharp Fifth
- C 13+5
- C 13aug5
- C 13#5
- C13(#5)
The C Dominant Thirteen Sharp Fifth chord is composed of the notes C, E, G#, Bb, D, F, and A
Diminished Chords
Intervals In the Diminished chord:
The Cdim chord is made up of the Root, Minor Third, and diminished Fifth
Name variations for this chord:
- C Diminished
- C Dim
- C Diminished Triad
- C Ć
- Cdim
The notes of the C Diminished chord are C, Eb, and Gb
Tones of the Diminished Seventh chord:
The intervals that compose the C Diminished Seventh chord are Root, Minor Third, diminished Fifth, and Diminished Seventh
The C Diminished Seventh chord is spelled in the following ways:
- C Diminished Seventh
- C Dim
- C Diminished 7
- C O7
- Cdim7
The notes of the C Diminished Seventh chord are C, Eb, Gb, and Bbb
Chord structure of the Minor Seventh Flat five chord:
The intervals in the C Minor Seventh Flat five chord are Root, Minor Third, diminished Fifth, and Minor Seventh
Name variations for the C Minor Seventh Flat five chord:
- C Minor Seventh Flat Five
- C Half-diminished Seventh
- C Half-diminished 7
- C Ć7
- C M7-5
- C Min7-5
- Cm7b5
The notes in this chord are C, Eb, Gb, and Bb
Dominant Chords
Intervals In the Dominant Seventh chord:
The intervals that compose the C Dominant Seventh chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, and Minor Seventh
The C Dominant Seventh chord is known as:
- C Dominant Seventh
- C Dom
- C7
This chord is composed of the notes C, E, G, and Bb
Chord Structure:
The C7b5 chord is composed of the Root, Major Third, diminished Fifth, and Minor Seventh
Name variations for this chord:
- C Dominant Seventh Flat Five
- C 7-5
- C 7(b5)
- C Dom7b5
- C7b5
The notes in this chord are C, E, Gb, and Bb
Chord structure of the Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added chord:
This chord is made up of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Flat Thirteen
Different notations for the C Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added chord:
- C Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added
- C Dom7b13
- C 7b13
- C 7-13
- C7(b13)
The notes of the C7(b13) chord are C, E, G, Bb, and Ab
Chord Structure:
The C Dominant Seventh Flat Nine Added chord is composed of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Minor Ninth
The C Dominant Seventh Flat Nine Added chord is known as:
- C Dominant Seventh Flat Nine Added
- C 7b9
- C 7-9
- C Dom7b9
- C7(b9)
The C7(b9) chord is made up of the notes C, E, G, Bb, and Db
How to create the Dominant Seventh Sharp Eleventh Added chord:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Sharp Eleventh
The C7(#11) chord is spelled in the following ways:
- C Dominant Seventh Sharp Eleventh Added
- C Dom+11
- C 7#11
- C 7+11
- C 7aug11
- C7(#11)
The notes of the C7(#11) chord are C, E, G, Bb, and F#
Chord Structure:
The intervals composing the C7(#9) chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Sharp Ninth
This chord is also spelled in the following ways:
- C Dominant Seventh Sharp Ninth Added
- C Dom7#9
- C 7#9
- C 7+9
- C 7aug9
- C7(#9)
The C7(#9) chord is made up of the notes C, E, G, Bb, and D#
Tones in the Dominant Ninth chord:
The C Dominant Ninth chord is made up of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Major Ninth
Some chord charts name this chord as:
- C Dominant Ninth
- C Dom9
- C9
The C9 chord is composed of the notes C, E, G, Bb, and D
Tones in the Dominant Ninth Flat five chord:
The intervals in this chord are Root, Major Third, diminished Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Major Ninth
The C Dominant Ninth Flat five chord is known as:
- C Dominant Ninth Flat Five
- C 9-5
- C 9(b5)
- C Dom9b5
- C9b5
The C9b5 chord is made up of the notes C, E, Gb, Bb, and D
Chord Intervals:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, and Major Eleventh
You may find this chord denoted as:
- C Dominant Eleventh
- C Dom 11
- C Dominant 11
- C11
The C11 chord is made up of the notes C, E, G, Bb, D, and F
Intervals in the Dominant Ninth Sharp Eleventh Added chord:
The C9(#11) chord is composed of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, and Sharp Eleventh
Some chord charts name this chord as:
- C Dominant Ninth Sharp Eleventh Added
- C 9#11
- C 9+11
- C Dom9aug11
- C Dom9+11
- C9(#11)
The C Dominant Ninth Sharp Eleventh Added chord is composed of the notes C, E, G, Bb, D, and F#
Intervals in the Dominant Thirteen chord:
The C Dominant Thirteen chord is composed of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, Major Eleventh, and Major Thirteen
Name variations for the C Dominant Thirteen chord:
- C Dominant Thirteen
- C13
The notes in the C Dominant Thirteen chord are C, E, G, Bb, D, F, and A
How the Dominant Thirteen Flat Nine chord is built:
The intervals in this chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Minor Ninth, Major Eleventh, and Major Thirteen
The C Dominant Thirteen Flat Nine chord is spelled in the following ways:
- C Dominant Thirteen Flat Nine
- C 13-9
- C 13b9
- C13(b9)
The notes in this chord are C, E, G, Bb, Db, F, and A
Intervals In the Dominant Thirteen Sharp Eleventh chord:
The C Dominant Thirteen Sharp Eleventh chord is composed of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, Sharp Eleventh, and Major Thirteen
The C Dominant Thirteen Sharp Eleventh chord is known as:
- C Dominant Thirteen Sharp Eleventh
- C 13#11
- C 13+11
- C 13aug11
- C13(#11)
The notes in the C13(#11) chord are C, E, G, Bb, D, F#, and A
Tones of the Dominant Thirteen Sharp Ninth chord:
The intervals of this chord are Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Sharp Ninth, Major Eleventh, and Major Thirteen
Some chord charts name this chord as:
- C Dominant Thirteen Sharp Ninth
- C 13+9
- C 13aug9
- C 13#9
- C13(#9)
This chord is composed of the notes C, E, G, Bb, D#, F, and A
Guitar Formula Chart - Conclusions
This ends our big list of chord symbols and interval structures.
If you want to deepen your chords knowledge and apply chord building across the entire neck, be sure to check my complete ebook Chords Domination | Play Any Chord You Want Across All The Fretboard.
Happy chords creation!