Easy Ways To Play The E9(#11) Guitar Chord

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on the E 9(#11) chord. This particular chord belongs to the Dominant Chords family and is composed of the notes E, G#, B, D, F#, and A#. The intervals that build this chord are 1, 3, 5, b7, 9, and #11. In complete terms, these intervals are known as Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, Major Ninth, and Augmented Fourth respectively.
Understanding these intervals is crucial for mastering the E 9(#11) chord and other similar chords. If you're not familiar with these terms, you may want to check out this tutorial about fretboard intervals and this tutorial on how to denote chords depending on the intervals that compose them.
As part of the Dominant Chords family, the E 9(#11) chord shares characteristics with other dominant chords. To get a better grasp of this family of chords, you can refer to this tutorial about dominant (7) guitar chords.
Furthermore, if you're interested in exploring more advanced chords like the E 9(#11), you might find this tutorial about more advanced chords useful. For those specifically interested in ninth chords, this tutorial about ninth (9) guitar chords can be a great resource.
After mastering the E 9(#11) chord, you might want to learn how to use it in various chord progressions. This tutorial about the most common chord progressions can help you understand how to put chords together to create songs.
By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to play the E 9(#11) chord using various chord diagrams and fretboard patterns that show the tones composing the chord. Let's dive in!
Notes in the E 9(#11) chord:
Chord formula for the Dominant Ninth Sharp Eleventh Added chord:
How To Play The E9(#11) chord on guitar
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 9(#11) | D 9(#11) | E 9(#11) | F 9(#11) | G 9(#11) | A 9(#11) | B 9(#11) | C#9(#11) | D#9(#11) | F#9(#11) | G#9(#11) | A#9(#11) | Ab9(#11) | Bb9(#11) | Db9(#11) | Eb9(#11) | Gb9(#11)
Chord tones in the E 9(#11) chord
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below. Some shapes will sound good, some less, let your ears decide!