How to Play Ebmaj7(#5) Chord on Guitar | Eb Major Seventh Sharp Fifth
Welcome to our tutorial on the Eb maj7(#5) chord. This chord, a member of the Augmented Chords family, is composed of the notes Eb, G, B, and D. The intervals that build this chord are 1, 3, #5, and 7, also known as the Root, Major Third, Augmented Fifth, and Major Seventh, respectively.
Understanding the composition of this chord will be easier if you're familiar with the concept of musical intervals. If you need a refresher, check out our tutorial about fretboard intervals. This will help you understand how chords are built by stacking intervals, a concept explained in detail in our guitar music theory tutorial.
The Eb maj7(#5) chord, while not a beginner's chord, is an important one to learn as you progress in your guitar journey. It's often used in jazz chord progressions, which you can learn more about in our tutorial about jazz chord progression.
In this tutorial, we'll provide chord diagrams and fretboard patterns to help you visualize and understand the tones that compose the Eb maj7(#5) chord. If you're unsure how to denote these chords depending on the intervals that compose it, our tutorial on chord notation can be a helpful resource.
Lastly, if you're experimenting with chord shapes on the fretboard and you're unsure how to name them, our interactive tool to analyze chord shapes can be a great help. Happy playing!
Notes that compose the Eb maj7(#5) chord:
Tones of the Major Seventh Sharp Fifth chord:
Ebmaj7(#5) Guitar Chord Voicings
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C maj7(#5) | D maj7(#5) | E maj7(#5) | F maj7(#5) | G maj7(#5) | A maj7(#5) | B maj7(#5) | C#maj7(#5) | D#maj7(#5) | F#maj7(#5) | G#maj7(#5) | A#maj7(#5) | Abmaj7(#5) | Bbmaj7(#5) | Dbmaj7(#5) | Ebmaj7(#5) | Gbmaj7(#5)
How to create your own Eb maj7(#5) chord fingerings
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below. Some shapes will sound good, some less, let your ears decide!