Eb+(#11) Guitar Chord Chart and Fingering
![Eb +(#11) position 1 guitar chord diagram](https://fachordscdn-16d90.kxcdn.com/static/chords/images/e-flat/aug-sharp-11/e-flat-aug-sharp-11-pos-1.png)
Welcome to our tutorial on the Eb +(#11) chord. This chord, a member of the Augmented Chords family, is composed of the notes Eb, G, B, and A. The intervals that build this chord are 1, 3, #5, and #11, or in full names: Root, Major Third, Augmented Fifth, and Augmented Fourth respectively.
These intervals are essential in understanding how to form and play this chord. For those who are new to the concept of intervals, we recommend checking out our tutorial about fretboard intervals and our tutorial on building chords by stacking intervals. These resources will provide a solid foundation on understanding the structure of the Eb +(#11) chord.
Our tutorial will guide you through chord diagrams and fretboard patterns that illustrate the tones composing the Eb +(#11) chord. This chord, while not a beginner's chord, is a beautiful addition to your repertoire, particularly if you're looking to play more complex pieces or explore different genres. If you're ready to dive into more advanced chords, our intermediate guitar chord tutorial is a great place to start.
As you learn the Eb +(#11) chord, you may also find our tutorial on how to denote chords helpful. This resource will make it easier for you to understand and communicate the chords you're playing, especially when dealing with chords that contain augmented or diminished intervals.
Once you've mastered the Eb +(#11) chord, you can start incorporating it into your own music. Our tutorial about the most common chord progressions can help you put chords together to create songs.
Ready to start learning? Let's dive into the Eb +(#11) chord!
Eb +(#11) chord Notes:
Chord Structure:
Fingerings for the Eb Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh added guitar chord
Chord boxes are sorted from the easiest to the hardest. Learn how to read chord diagrams.
If you have difficulties with bar chord shapes, check the Bar Chords Tips tutorial.
You can also use this accessible chords page with written diagrams instruction.
Position 1
![Eb +(#11) position 1 guitar chord diagram](https://fachordscdn-16d90.kxcdn.com/static/chords/images/e-flat/aug-sharp-11/e-flat-aug-sharp-11-pos-1.png)
Position 2
![Eb +(#11) position 2 guitar chord diagram](https://fachordscdn-16d90.kxcdn.com/static/chords/images/e-flat/aug-sharp-11/e-flat-aug-sharp-11-pos-2.png)
You can find more shapes in our all guitar chords online library. If you prefer a printable pdf, download
the Free Guitar Chords Chart Pdf
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C +(#11) | D +(#11) | E +(#11) | F +(#11) | G +(#11) | A +(#11) | B +(#11) | C#+(#11) | D#+(#11) | F#+(#11) | G#+(#11) | A#+(#11) | Ab+(#11) | Bb+(#11) | Db+(#11) | Eb+(#11) | Gb+(#11)
Chord tones in the Eb +(#11) chord
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.