Bbm6/9 Guitar Chord | How to Play The Bb Minor Sixth Ninth Chord

Welcome guitar enthusiasts! Today, we're going to delve into the world of minor chords, specifically focusing on the Bb m6/9 chord. This chord, composed of the notes Bb, Db, F, G, and C, belongs to the Minor Chords family and is a perfect example of how to use intervals to build a chord.
The Bb m6/9 chord is built using the intervals 1, b3, 5, 6, and 9. To understand these, let's quickly review the names of the music intervals: Root (1), Minor Second (b2), Major Second (2), Minor Third (b3), Major Third (3), Perfect Fourth (4), Diminished Fifth (b5), Augmented Fourth (#4), Perfect Fifth (5), Minor Sixth (b6), Major Sixth (6), Diminished Seventh (bb7), Minor Seventh (b7), Major Seventh (7), Minor Ninth (b9), Major Ninth (9), Perfect Eleventh (11), and Major Thirteenth (13).
For those of you who are still new to understanding intervals and how they are used to build chords, we recommend checking out our tutorial on building chords by stacking intervals. This tutorial will provide you with a solid foundation to better understand the composition of the Bb m6/9 chord.
Our tutorial on this chord will feature chord diagrams and fretboard patterns showing the tones composing the chord. This will allow you to visually understand the structure of the Bb m6/9 chord and how to play it on your guitar. For those interested in learning more about the notation of chords, we have a tutorial on how to denote chords based on the intervals that compose them.
Remember that learning new chords like the Bb m6/9 chord not only expands your chord vocabulary, but also enhances your ability to create more complex and interesting music. So, let's dive in and master this chord together!
Notes that compose the Bb m6/9 chord:
Chord formula for the Minor Sixth Ninth chord:
How To Play The Bb Minor Sixth Ninth chord on guitar
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C m6/9 | D m6/9 | E m6/9 | F m6/9 | G m6/9 | A m6/9 | B m6/9 | C#m6/9 | D#m6/9 | F#m6/9 | G#m6/9 | A#m6/9 | Abm6/9 | Bbm6/9 | Dbm6/9 | Ebm6/9 | Gbm6/9
How to build the Bb m6/9 chord on guitar
You can create any fingering you like on any part of the fretboard, just play some of the chord tones shown in the map below. Some shapes will sound good, some less, let your ears decide!