Guitar Scale Dictionary: Half-Whole Scales
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In this post we're going to learn how to play the Half-Whole scale, with the help of fretboard diagrams and guitar tabs.
The intervals in this scale are Root, Minor Second, Augmented Second, Major Third, Augmented Fourth, Perfect Fifth, Major Sixth, and Minor Seventh
The notes in the C Half-Whole Scale scale are C, Db, D#, E, F#, G, A, and Bb
C Half-Whole Scale Intervals:
Download the free Guitar Scales Chart in pdf format.
If you need help in reading the diagrams on this page, check the How to read music for guitar tutorial. To learn more about scales, check our complete guide on How to play guitar scales .
Half-Whole Scale Notes in all Keys
1 | b2 | #2 | 3 | #4 | 5 | 6 | b7 |
C | Db | D# | E | F# | G | A | Bb |
G | Ab | A# | B | C# | D | E | F |
D | Eb | E# | F# | G# | A | B | C |
A | Bb | B# | C# | D# | E | F# | G |
E | F | F## | G# | A# | B | C# | D |
B | C | C## | D# | E# | F# | G# | A |
F# | G | G## | A# | B# | C# | D# | E |
Gb | Abb | A | Bb | C | Db | Eb | Fb |
C# | D | D## | E# | F## | G# | A# | B |
Db | Ebb | E | F | G | Ab | Bb | Cb |
G# | A | A## | B# | C## | D# | E# | F# |
Ab | Bbb | B | C | D | Eb | F | Gb |
D# | E | E## | F## | G## | A# | B# | C# |
Eb | Fb | F# | G | A | Bb | C | Db |
A# | B | B## | C## | D## | E# | F## | G# |
Bb | Cb | C# | D | E | F | G | Ab |
F | Gb | G# | A | B | C | D | Eb |
Half-Whole Scale Fretboard Diagrams
All the following patterns are provided in the key of C. To play the scale in another key, move the patterns up or down the neck to the root you want to use.
C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 1
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 2
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 3
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 4
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 5
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 6
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 7
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 8
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 9
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 10
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 11
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C Half-Whole Scale - Box Pattern - Variation 12
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 13
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 14
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 15
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 16
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 17
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 18
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 19
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 20
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 21
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 22
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 23
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C Half-Whole Scale - 3 Notes per String Pattern - Variation 24
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