D#13(b9) Guitar Chord | How To Create and Play the D# Dominant Thirteen Flat Nine chord

Welcome to our in-depth tutorial on the D# 13(b9) chord. This is a complex and rich sounding chord that belongs to the Dominant Chords family. The notes that compose this chord are D#, F##, A#, C#, E, G#, and B#. The intervals that build this chord are 1, 3, 5, b7, b9, 11, and 13.
Understanding how this chord is built can be a bit challenging, especially if you're not familiar with the concept of intervals. If you need a refresher, you can check out our tutorial about fretboard intervals.
Our D# 13(b9) chord tutorial will provide you with chord diagrams and fretboard patterns showing the tones composing the chord. This will help you visualize the chord structure and make it easier to understand how to play it. If you're interested in learning more about how chords are constructed, we recommend our tutorial that teaches how to build chords by stacking intervals.
The D# 13(b9) chord is not a beginner's chord. It's a complex chord used in many genres, including jazz. If you're ready to take your guitar playing to the next level, our tutorial about more advanced chords can be a great resource.
The D# 13(b9) chord is part of the dominant (7) guitar chords family. Dominant chords are often used in blues and jazz music. To learn more about this family of chords, check out our comprehensive tutorial about dominant (7) guitar chords.
We hope you find this tutorial helpful in your journey to master the D# 13(b9) chord. Remember, practice makes perfect. Happy strumming!
D# 13(b9) chord Notes:
How to create the Dominant Thirteen Flat Nine chord:
D#13(b9) Guitar Chord Diagrams
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 13(b9) | D 13(b9) | E 13(b9) | F 13(b9) | G 13(b9) | A 13(b9) | B 13(b9) | C#13(b9) | D#13(b9) | F#13(b9) | G#13(b9) | A#13(b9) | Ab13(b9) | Bb13(b9) | Db13(b9) | Eb13(b9) | Gb13(b9)
How to create your own D# 13(b9) chord fingerings
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.