Ebm(maj9) Guitar Chord Chart | Eb Minor Major Ninth

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on the Eb m(maj9) chord. This chord is a member of the Minor Chords family, and its complexity makes it a unique addition to your guitar playing skills. The chord is composed of the notes Eb, Gb, Bb, D, and F, and is built with the intervals 1, b3, 5, 7, and 9.
The complete names of these music intervals are: Root (1), Minor Third (b3), Perfect Fifth (5), Major Seventh (7), and Major Ninth (9). Understanding these intervals is crucial to mastering the Eb m(maj9) chord. For a deeper understanding of these intervals, you may want to check out this tutorial about fretboard intervals.
Learning the Eb m(maj9) chord will not only enhance your chord vocabulary but will also open up a new world of chord progressions and musical possibilities. This tutorial will provide chord diagrams and fretboard patterns showing the tones composing the chord, allowing you to visualize and understand the chord structure better.
If you're interested in exploring more about how chords are built by stacking intervals, this comprehensive tutorial can be a great resource. Additionally, for those who want to delve deeper into chords that go beyond the basics, our intermediate guitar chord tutorial is an excellent starting point.
For those who are exploring ninth (9) guitar chords, this Eb m(maj9) chord tutorial will be an excellent addition to your learning journey. You may also find our ninth chords tutorial helpful in expanding your knowledge.
Get ready to dive deep into the world of guitar chords, starting with the Eb m(maj9) chord. Happy strumming!
Eb m(maj9) chord Notes:
Chord structure of the Minor Major Ninth chord:
Ebm(maj9) Guitar Chord Shapes
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C m(maj9) | D m(maj9) | E m(maj9) | F m(maj9) | G m(maj9) | A m(maj9) | B m(maj9) | C#m(maj9) | D#m(maj9) | F#m(maj9) | G#m(maj9) | A#m(maj9) | Abm(maj9) | Bbm(maj9) | Dbm(maj9) | Ebm(maj9) | Gbm(maj9)
Fretboard map of Eb m(maj9) chord tones
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.