A#m13 Guitar Chord Chart and Fingering

Welcome to our in-depth tutorial on the A# m13 chord. This complex and rich sounding chord belongs to the Minor Chords family and is composed of the following notes: A#, C#, E#, G#, B#, D#, and F##. In terms of intervals, the A# m13 chord is built from the 1, b3, 5, b7, 9, 11, and 13.
Let's break down these intervals for a better understanding. The 1 represents the Root of the chord, in this case, A#. The b3 signifies a Minor Third, which is C#. The 5 is a Perfect Fifth (E#), and the b7 is a Minor Seventh (G#). The chord also includes a Major Ninth (B#), a Perfect Eleventh (D#), and a Major Thirteenth (F##).
Learning the A# m13 chord can be challenging due to its complexity. However, with the help of our guitar music theory tutorial, you can understand how to build chords by stacking intervals. Similarly, our fretboard intervals tutorial can also be of great help in understanding the spacing of notes on the fretboard.
Our tutorial will provide you with chord diagrams and fretboard patterns, showing the tones composing the A# m13 chord. If you're interested in learning more about chord notation based on intervals, check out our tutorial on chord notation.
Mastering the A# m13 chord will open up new possibilities for your guitar playing, particularly in genres like jazz that frequently use more advanced chords. For more on this, check out our tutorial on jazz chord progressions.
So, let's dive in and start exploring the wonderful world of the A# m13 chord!
Notes in the A# m13 chord:
Chord Formula:
A#m13 Guitar Chord Shapes
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C m13 | D m13 | E m13 | F m13 | G m13 | A m13 | B m13 | C#m13 | D#m13 | F#m13 | G#m13 | A#m13 | Abm13 | Bbm13 | Dbm13 | Ebm13 | Gbm13
How to build the A# m13 chord on guitar
This fretboard map shows you the tones in the chord all along the neck. You can play this chord by choosing some of the chord tones.