Guitar Chord Dictionary: D Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh added Chords

Welcome to our tutorial on the D +(#11) chord. This chord, part of the Augmented Chords family, is built with the notes D, F#, A#, and G#. The intervals that compose this chord are the 1 (Root), 3 (Major Third), #5 (Augmented Fifth), and #11 (Augmented Fourth).
Understanding the D +(#11) chord requires a basic knowledge of music theory and guitar fretboard intervals. If you need to brush up on these concepts, we recommend checking out our comprehensive guitar music theory tutorial and our fretboard intervals guide.
Learning to play the D +(#11) chord involves mastering its unique chord diagrams and fretboard patterns. These show the tones that make up the chord. For a detailed explanation on how to read and interpret these diagrams and patterns, visit our guitar chords notation tutorial.
The D +(#11) chord can be a bit challenging for beginners, but don't worry. With practice and patience, you'll be able to incorporate it into your playing. If you're looking for more advanced chords to learn, check out our intermediate guitar chords tutorial.
Remember, the key to mastering any chord is practice. So take your time, enjoy the process, and soon you'll be playing the D +(#11) chord with ease.
Notes of the D +(#11) chord:
Tones in the Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh added chord:
D Augmented Fifth Sharp Eleventh added Guitar Chord Diagrams
No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. Request one here
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C +(#11) | D +(#11) | E +(#11) | F +(#11) | G +(#11) | A +(#11) | B +(#11) | C#+(#11) | D#+(#11) | F#+(#11) | G#+(#11) | A#+(#11) | Ab+(#11) | Bb+(#11) | Db+(#11) | Eb+(#11) | Gb+(#11)
Create your D +(#11) chord shapes
This fretboard map shows you the tones in the chord all along the neck. You can play this chord by choosing some of the chord tones.