D# Minor (D#m) chords on guitar

Welcome to our tutorial on the D# minor chord, a beautiful and essential chord belonging to the Minor Chords family. The D#m chord, as it is often abbreviated, is composed of the notes D#, F#, and A#, and is built using the intervals of 1 (Root), b3 (Minor Third), and 5 (Perfect Fifth).
Understanding the theory behind the construction of chords is crucial for any guitarist. If you want to delve deeper into the fascinating world of intervals and chord construction, check out our tutorial on chord building through stacking intervals.
In this tutorial, we will be providing you with chord diagrams and fretboard patterns to show you the exact placement of the tones that compose the D# minor chord. This will help you visualize the chord structure on the fretboard, making it easier to learn and play.
For a comprehensive understanding of all chord types, you might want to bookmark our full tutorial about guitar chords. This resource will be incredibly useful as you continue to expand your guitar knowledge and skills.
Remember, learning to play the D# minor chord, like any other, requires patience and practice. But with our easy-to-follow diagrams and explanations, you'll master it in no time. Let's get started!
Notes in the D# m chord:
Tones of the Minor chord:
Guitar Patterns for the D#m chord
Chord boxes are sorted from the easiest to the hardest. Learn how to read chord diagrams.
If you have difficulties with bar chord shapes, check the Bar Chords Tips tutorial.
You can also use this accessible chords page with written diagrams instruction.
Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

You can find more shapes in our all guitar chords online library. If you prefer a printable pdf, download
the Free Guitar Chords Chart Pdf
Play This Chord With Other Roots
C m | D m | E m | F m | G m | A m | B m | C#m | D#m | F#m | G#m | A#m | Abm | Bbm | Dbm | Ebm | Gbm
Create your D# m chord shapes
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.