D# Major Sixth Sharp Eleventh Added (D#6(#11)) chords on guitar

Welcome to our tutorial on the D# 6(#11) chord, a member of the Major Chords family. This chord is built from the notes D#, F##, A#, B#, and G##, following the intervals of 1, 3, 5, 6, and #11. These intervals translate to the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Major Sixth, and the Augmented Fourth, respectively.
This chord, like others, can be understood more deeply by understanding the theory of chord construction by stacking intervals. This knowledge will not only help you understand the D# 6(#11) chord but also the construction of other chords.
The D# 6(#11) chord is a more advanced chord, often found in jazz chord progressions. If you're just starting to delve into more complex chords, you may find our intermediate guitar chord tutorial helpful.
With the D# 6(#11) chord, the Major Sixth interval is crucial. If you want a broader understanding of this and other sixth chords, check out our tutorial about sixth (6) guitar chords.
Finally, if you're interested in learning how to denote this chord and others based on their intervals, our tutorial on chord notation is a great resource. And if you're ever unsure about how to name a chord based on its shape, our interactive chord shape analyzer can be a handy tool.
Let's dive into the D# 6(#11) chord, exploring chord diagrams and fretboard patterns to help you master this beautiful chord.
Notes of the D# 6(#11) chord:
Formula of the Major Sixth Sharp Eleventh Added chord:
Fingerings for the D# Major Sixth Sharp Eleventh Added guitar chord
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Play This Chord With Other Roots
C 6(#11) | D 6(#11) | E 6(#11) | F 6(#11) | G 6(#11) | A 6(#11) | B 6(#11) | C#6(#11) | D#6(#11) | F#6(#11) | G#6(#11) | A#6(#11) | Ab6(#11) | Bb6(#11) | Db6(#11) | Eb6(#11) | Gb6(#11)
D# 6(#11) guitar chord: fretboard map of the intervals
Pick some of the tones from the fretboard map below and play this chord in new ways.